Zoonosis Control - Public Health Region 6/5 South
The Zoonosis Control program promotes public health through prevention and control of diseases transmissible from animals to humans. We do this through education, surveillance, and disease investigation. The Zoonosis Control program works with local, federal, and other state agencies concerned with zoonotic diseases and One Health.
- Investigate reports of zoonotic disease in our region
- Provide rabies risk assessments and management of post-exposure biologicals (vaccine and immune-globulin)
- Sample mosquitoes, ticks, and other organisms to check for West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.
- Present educational programs with medical and veterinary personnel, public health departments, universities, schools, hospitals, and the public
- Provide rabies control training for Animal Control Officers
- Inspect animal quarantine facilities
- Lead emerging disease investigations (i.e., Hantavirus, Tularemia, West Nile Virus), conduct surveillance and take part in special projects
- Take part in emergency preparedness and response
Helpful Resources
- Rabies | Texas DSHS
- Zoonosis Control | Texas DSHS
- Texas Animal Health Commission
- Tick Submission and Testing | Texas DSHS
- Rabies Poster Contest | Texas DSHS
- Bats in School | Agri-Life Extension
- Printable Educational Materials | Texas DSHS
- Mosquito-Borne Disease Resources | Texas DSHS
- Mosquito Bites are Bad | CDC
- Doggie Do’s and Don’ts Coloring Book | AVMA